Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import biotite.structure as struc
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from biotite.structure.atoms import AtomArray, AtomArrayStack
from pinder.core.utils import setup_logger
from pinder.core.structure.atoms import apply_mask, get_seq_aligned_structures
from pinder.core.structure.models import ChainConfig

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] def remove_annotations( structure: AtomArray | AtomArrayStack, categories: list[str] = ["element", "ins_code"], ) -> AtomArray | AtomArrayStack: if isinstance(structure, AtomArrayStack): shape_idx = 1 else: shape_idx = 0 for annotation in categories: val: float | str = 0.0 if annotation == "b_factor" else "" annotation_arr: NDArray[np.double | np.str_] = np.repeat( val, structure.shape[shape_idx] ) structure.set_annotation(annotation, annotation_arr) return structure
[docs] def fix_annotation_mismatch( ref: AtomArray, decoys: AtomArrayStack, categories: list[str] = ["element", "ins_code"], ) -> tuple[AtomArray, AtomArrayStack]: for annot in ref.get_annotation_categories(): ref_annot = ref.get_annotation(annot) decoy_annot = decoys.get_annotation(annot) if not np.array_equal(ref_annot, decoy_annot): log.debug(f"Decoy and ref have differing {annot} categories!") if annot not in categories: continue decoys = remove_annotations(decoys, categories=[annot]) ref = remove_annotations(ref, categories=[annot]) return ref, decoys
[docs] def fix_mismatched_atoms( native: AtomArray, decoy_stack: AtomArrayStack, max_atom_delta: int ) -> tuple[AtomArray, AtomArrayStack]: identical = np.array_equal(decoy_stack.res_id, native.res_id) if identical: # Both shape and res_id elements are identical return native, decoy_stack log.debug("Detected mismatch between native and decoy stack!") # Sequence based structural alignment # Make the decoy_stack match numbering of native log.debug("Attempting sequence-based structural alignment") native, decoy_stack = get_seq_aligned_structures(native, decoy_stack) native_intersect = native[struc.filter_intersection(native, decoy_stack)] in_common = native_intersect.shape[0] native_atoms = native.shape[0] mismatch = native_atoms - in_common if mismatch > max_atom_delta: log.debug( f"Large atom mismatch detected between native and models: {mismatch} atoms." ) log.debug("Attempting to fix mismatch") # In test case there are missing element annotations native = remove_annotations(native) decoy_stack = remove_annotations(decoy_stack) native_intersect = native[struc.filter_intersection(native, decoy_stack)] in_common = native_intersect.shape[0] log.warning( "Caution: results will only represent the atoms in common! " f"keeping {in_common} / {native_atoms} atoms in common" ) native = native_intersect.copy() decoy_stack = decoy_stack[..., struc.filter_intersection(decoy_stack, native)] return native, decoy_stack
[docs] def set_canonical_chain_order( structure: AtomArray | AtomArrayStack | list[AtomArray], chains: ChainConfig, subject: str, ) -> AtomArray | AtomArrayStack | list[AtomArray]: # Create set of residues in interface split into receptor and ligand # Conflict between residue numbers in different chains is handled by # logical mask on array.chain_id and array.res_id lig_chains = getattr(chains, f"{subject}_ligand") rec_chains = getattr(chains, f"{subject}_receptor") if isinstance(structure, list): for i, arr in enumerate(structure): R_mask = np.isin(arr.chain_id, rec_chains) L_mask = np.isin(arr.chain_id, lig_chains) R = arr[R_mask].copy() L = arr[L_mask].copy() structure[i] = R + L return structure else: R_mask = np.isin(structure.chain_id, rec_chains) L_mask = np.isin(structure.chain_id, lig_chains) R = apply_mask(structure, R_mask) L = apply_mask(structure, L_mask) return R + L
[docs] def remove_duplicate_calpha(atoms: AtomArray) -> AtomArray: unique_mask = [] unique = set() for at in atoms: at_id = f"{at.chain_id}-{at.res_id}" mask = not (at_id in unique) if mask: unique.add(at_id) else: log.warning(f"{at_id} is duplicated!") unique_mask.append(mask) atoms = atoms[np.array(unique_mask)].copy() return atoms