from __future__ import annotations
import math
import os
import random
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from pinder.core.loader.structure import Structure
from pinder.core.structure.atoms import get_seq_identity, normalize_orientation
from pinder.core.utils import setup_logger
from pinder.core.utils.process import process_map
log = setup_logger(__name__)
def create_normalized_test_monomers(
pinder_dir: Path,
use_cache: bool = True,
parallel: bool = True,
max_workers: int | None = None,
) -> None:
# Store test set holo PDBs in separate directory for easier distribution and
# to avoid modifying their filenames when creating normalized orientations
src_pdb_dir = pinder_dir / "pdbs"
test_pdb_dir = pinder_dir / "test_set_pdbs"
test_pdb_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
index = pd.read_parquet(pinder_dir / "index.parquet")
test_index = index.query('split == "test"').reset_index(drop=True)
holo_pdb_names = list(set(test_index.holo_R_pdb).union(set(test_index.holo_L_pdb)))
pdb_path_pairs = [
(src_pdb_dir / pdb_name, test_pdb_dir / pdb_name) for pdb_name in holo_pdb_names
if use_cache:
pdb_path_pairs = [pair for pair in pdb_path_pairs if not pair[1].is_file()]
_ = process_map(
def get_stratified_sample(
df: pd.DataFrame,
feat: str | list[str],
n_samples: int = 20,
n_bins: int = 5,
random_state: int = random.randint(0, 1000),
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Gets a stratified sample
Outputs a stratified sample of the provided dataframe based on criteria set
for binning distribution. Max binning dimension supported is 2D.
df : pd.DataFrame
The DataFrame to sample from.
feat : Union[str, List]
The feature to segment bins from (1-D or 2-D)
n_samples : int
The number of samples to sample from df with the same distribution probability
n_bins : int
Number of bin segments. Note: Exponential for 2D. eg 25 for 5 bins in 2D.
random_state : int, optional
random seed number
DataFrame containing sampled data from the original DataFrame
# Argument exceptions
if isinstance(feat, list) & len(feat) > 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Too many features were provided! Max two allowed, got <{feat}>"
if n_bins > df.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"You must provide a bin size less than the number of rows! "
f"n_bins = {n_bins}, df.shape[0] = {df.shape[0]}"
elif n_bins == 1:
raise ValueError(f"You must provide a bin greater than 1, got <{n_bins}>")
# If number of samples is greater than the original df size, gracefully return.
for c in df.columns:
if str(df[c].dtype) == "category":
df[c] = df[c].astype(str)
if n_samples > df.shape[0]:
return df
dummy_df = df.copy()
if isinstance(feat, list) & len(feat) > 1:
col_a = f"{feat[0]}_bin"
col_b = f"{feat[1]}_bin"
dummy_df[col_a] = pd.cut(dummy_df[feat[0]], n_bins)
dummy_df[col_b] = pd.cut(dummy_df[feat[1]], n_bins)
group_df = dummy_df.groupby([col_a, col_b], observed=True)
feats = [col_a, col_b]
if isinstance(feat, list):
feat = feat[0]
col = f"{feat}_bin"
dummy_df[col] = pd.cut(dummy_df[feat], n_bins)
group_df = dummy_df.groupby(col, observed=True)
feats = [col]
frequency = group_df.ngroup().value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False)
frequency.index = group_df.groups.keys()
weights_df = (
weights_df = pd.merge(
dummy_df, weights_df, how="left", left_on=feats, right_on=feats
sample = weights_df.sample(n_samples, weights="weights", random_state=random_state)
return sample[df.columns].reset_index(drop=True)
def assign_pinder_s_subset(
pinder_dir: Path,
index: pd.DataFrame,
max_size: int = 250,
min_frac_heterodimers: float = 0.75,
heterodimer_seq_identity_threshold: float = 0.8,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
pdb_dir = pinder_dir / "pdbs"
pinder_s = index.query('split == "test"').reset_index(drop=True)
pinder_s.loc[:, "both_apo"] = pinder_s.apo_R & pinder_s.apo_L
pinder_s.loc[:, "both_pred"] = pinder_s.predicted_R & pinder_s.predicted_L
pinder_s.loc[:, "seq_R"] = [
Structure(pdb_dir / f"{holo_R}").sequence
for holo_R in list(pinder_s.holo_R_pdb)
pinder_s.loc[:, "seq_L"] = [
Structure(pdb_dir / f"{holo_L}").sequence
for holo_L in list(pinder_s.holo_L_pdb)
pinder_s.loc[:, "holo_seq_identity"] = [
get_seq_identity(seq_R, seq_L)
for seq_R, seq_L in zip(pinder_s["seq_R"], pinder_s["seq_L"])
# use sequence identity < 0.8 as definition of heterodimer vs. uniprot (which may be undefined)
pinder_s.loc[:, "heterodimer"] = (
pinder_s.holo_seq_identity < heterodimer_seq_identity_threshold
metadata = pd.read_parquet(pinder_dir / "metadata.parquet")
# keep all heterodimers with dual apo (and dual AF2)
# apo_hetero = set(pinder_s.query('both_apo and heterodimer').id)
apo_pred_hetero = pinder_s.query("both_apo and both_pred and heterodimer")
target_ids = set(
used_uniprots = set(apo_pred_hetero.uniprot_R).union(set(apo_pred_hetero.uniprot_L))
remaining = pinder_s[].reset_index(drop=True)
remaining = pd.merge(
metadata[["id", "probability", "buried_sasa", "ECOD_names_R", "ECOD_names_L"]],
remaining["ECOD_names_R"] = remaining["ECOD_names_R"].astype("str")
remaining["ECOD_names_L"] = remaining["ECOD_names_L"].astype("str")
remaining.loc[:, "ECOD_names_R"] = remaining.ECOD_names_R.apply(
lambda x: ",".join(sorted(set(x.split(","))))
remaining.loc[:, "ECOD_names_L"] = remaining.ECOD_names_L.apply(
lambda x: ",".join(sorted(set(x.split(","))))
# Create unique set of pfam IDs contained within a dimer for diversity sampling
remaining.loc[:, "pfam_pairs"] = [
for pfam_r, pfam_l in zip(remaining["ECOD_names_R"], remaining["ECOD_names_L"])
# Float16 not supported by pd.cut
remaining["buried_sasa"] = remaining["buried_sasa"].astype("float")
# desired homodimer/heterodimer split
n_hetero_samples = math.ceil(max_size * min_frac_heterodimers) - len(target_ids)
n_homo_samples = max_size - n_hetero_samples - len(target_ids)
# Split remaining into heterodimers with AF2 monomers available and homodimers with apo + AF2 monomers available.
pred_hetero = remaining.query("both_pred and heterodimer").reset_index(drop=True)
apo_homo = remaining.query("both_pred and both_apo and ~heterodimer").reset_index(
# Random sample one system from each set of unique pfam_pairs
for sample_group, n_samples in [
(pred_hetero, n_hetero_samples),
(apo_homo, n_homo_samples),
pfam_samples = []
for pf_p, df in sample_group.groupby("pfam_pairs", as_index=False):
df = df[
& (~df.uniprot_L.isin(used_uniprots))
if not df.shape[0]:
f"Not able to select a sample from PFAM {pf_p}, all uniprots already sampled"
df = df.sample(1).reset_index(drop=True)
if not len(pfam_samples):
"Unable to sample any PFAM pairs from this group, all uniprots sampled"
sampled = pd.concat(pfam_samples, ignore_index=True)
# Get desired number of samples from binned buried_sasa for representative sampling of interface size
n_bins = min([5, sampled.shape[0]])
if n_bins == 1:
sasa_sampled = sampled.copy()
sasa_sampled = get_stratified_sample(
target_ids = target_ids.union(set(
index.loc[:, "pinder_s"] =
return index
def assign_test_subsets(pinder_dir: Path, use_cache: bool = True) -> None:
index = pd.read_parquet(pinder_dir / "index.parquet", engine="pyarrow")
if use_cache and index.pinder_xl.sum() > 0:
index.loc[index.split == "test", "pinder_xl"] = True
index = assign_pinder_s_subset(pinder_dir, index)
index.to_parquet(pinder_dir / "index.parquet", index=False, engine="pyarrow")
def curate_test_split(
pinder_dir: Path,
use_cache: bool = True,
parallel: bool = True,
max_workers: int | None = None,
) -> None:"Curating normalized holo monomers for test set...")
create_normalized_test_monomers(pinder_dir, use_cache, parallel, max_workers)"Assigning pinder_xl and pinder_s test subsets...")
assign_test_subsets(pinder_dir, use_cache)
def construct_sequence_database(
pinder_dir: Path,
use_cache: bool = True,
parallel: bool = True,
max_workers: int | None = None,
) -> None:
seq_db_chkpt = pinder_dir / "sequence_database.parquet"
if use_cache and seq_db_chkpt.is_file():"{seq_db_chkpt} exists, skipping...")
pdb_dir = pinder_dir / "pdbs"
pdb_files = [pdb_dir / p for p in os.listdir(pdb_dir)]
seq_info = process_map(
seq_db = pd.DataFrame(seq_info)
seq_db.loc[seq_db.pdb.str.contains("--", regex=False), "pdb_kind"] = "dimer"
seq_db.loc[seq_db.pdb.str.endswith("-R.pdb"), "pdb_kind"] = "receptor"
seq_db.loc[seq_db.pdb.str.endswith("-L.pdb"), "pdb_kind"] = "ligand"
seq_db.loc[seq_db.pdb.str.startswith("af__"), "pdb_kind"] = "predicted"
seq_db.loc[seq_db.pdb_kind.isna(), "pdb_kind"] = "monomer"
seq_db["pdb_kind"] = seq_db["pdb_kind"].astype("category")
seq_db["sequence"] = seq_db["sequence"].astype("category")
seq_db.to_parquet(seq_db_chkpt, index=False, engine="pyarrow")